How Many Multis?


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2007
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Hi, I'm in the process of setting up a multi tank, and am wondering how many I should get... i found a local breeder who has 12 unsexed that she's willing to part with. Is this a good number, or is this too many? I've looked around, but i cant really find a guideline as to how many can fit in happily.

Any and all advice greatly appreciated.
Hello again Mislisa ,go for 6 multis in your 20 gal,are they adults or young what size? males are about 1.25" and females about 1",once they start to breed you will have plenty of fry in there,4 females to 2 males would be a good starting ratio,if you dont fancy a calvus in there how about a single Julie in with the shellies ornatus or dickfeldi dont grow too big ,about 3" I believe
I'm not 100% on how big they are... i can't see them, as they are a bit of a drive away. i'll be picking them up in a couple of weeks once my tank is ready for them (cycled and such) The current owner claimed that they are too small to sex, so i'm thinking that they are under 1" atm. It turns out she only has 8 she wants to sell, so i was think ing of taking all of them, then after i can sex them, maybe take a couple into my lfs (i've already ok'd it with them) or trade with someone else. sound like a good idea?

I'll look into the julie a bit more before i decide, but they look quite lovely from what i've read so far. It's something to think about anyway.

Oh, and i've read differing opinions, but how do you think a apple (mystery) snail would do in with them?
Go for the eight then Mislisa give them plenty of shells and they will be ok, Julies are cracking little fish ,my J.Regani have spawned again and mom is doing her best to defend the fry,cant really help you on apple snails ,sorry never kept them I know they need hard water ,calcium and shell developement go hand in hand,the shellies wont bother them tho
Hi, I put 6 in a 21" tank, 3 shells deep covering the whole floor. I recently moved them on, estimated over 50 multies in there of all sizes, they really are a treat to keep, enjoy :good:

Cheers, Sean

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