How Many Mollies In A 10 Gallon?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2013
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Things are looking up for my 10 gallon tank, I'd like to know how many molly balloon fish are okay to be in a 10 gallon? Thanks in advance.
TallTree01 said:
Can you give me a reason as to why? I mean for a 10 gallon tank IMO at least 3 mollies can do okay. But that's my opinion, if that's not the best conditions I'd consider otherwise. 
I agree with TallTree. Mollies are best suited for thirty gallons plus.
They have higher activity levels, poop constantly and actually get to a decent size, even the ballon varieties (which are also very prone to diseases due to the formation of their stomachs, so larger tanks are best to help control diseases and water conditions).
At least a 3 foot tank for mollies. I s'pose a 2 foot might be alright but balloons but I'd rather go bigger. :/
TallTree01 said:
At least a 3 foot tank for mollies. I s'pose a 2 foot might be alright but balloons but I'd rather go bigger.
Okay, thanks!
attibones said:
I agree with TallTree. Mollies are best suited for thirty gallons plus.
They have higher activity levels, poop constantly and actually get to a decent size, even the ballon varieties (which are also very prone to diseases due to the formation of their stomachs, so larger tanks are best to help control diseases and water conditions).
Wow I didn't know they needed that much space *Sigh* Do you know of any fish that can be stocked in a 10 gallon happily by chance?
Bettas, endlers, guppies, celestial pearl danios, chili rasboras, a few species of killifish, Pygmy, habrosus and hastatus corydoras, and a few others of that sort, not to mention shrimp and snails.
What is your hater like? HArd or soft? Is the tank cycled? pH? This will help us help you find suitable fish for you aquarium :)
Forgot to mention dwarf puffers, those these can be tricky. I just lost both of mine which really crushed me. They had runs of personality but they can be difficult to feed.
EllieJellyEllie said:
What is your hater like? HArd or soft? Is the tank cycled? pH? This will help us help you find suitable fish for you aquarium
Hard, yes, 7.2 (hasn't moved in 2 days) 
Ok, so, what type of fish do you like? Schooling fish? Bettas? Colorful? More agressive fish? 
Guppies :)
Celestial are beautiful.
A group of either would be nice. :)
Okay thanks for that! Unfortunately celestials aren't sold in my local PetSmart (I pulled up their site) :/ But guppies are no problem. Two questions come along with that, how many do you think are okay? And how many should I introduce into the tank at a time? That is if there's that many to stock haha 

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