How Many Guppies?


Fish Crazy
Sep 12, 2013
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I have a 65l tank. It's 60cm long but I can't remember the other dimensions.
It's for my mother so I needed to find something that is colourful, easy to look after and likes how hard our water is.  So, how many male guppies could we have in this tank?
what filteration are u using as this can determine how many fish you can have. with good filteration you can have a few more fish.
it also depends on how much tank maintenance you do etc etc, 
1cm per litre is a fair quide   (so 65cm of fish)
a guppy is about 6cm max   (so 11 guppies)  (always take the max size of the fish you are getting not the size it is now)
so you can have 11 guppies at max size but not all guppies get to 6cm , so you can likely up this to 13 guppies.
others may come up with different levels as there are so many things that can determine this.
but be safe and dont push the amount you have as this will only cause issues.
As its for your mum maintenance may not be as regular as it should be if this is the case lower the level of fish a little.
hope this helps and iam sure you will get other advice
The filter is a Fluval U2. I actually have used it in this same tank the last 2 years but I had to take the tank apart a few months ago due to money issues. I've got another U2 set up in my own 65l and have never had issues with them. I also have a 150l and a 200l I can get media from so that won't be an issue either.
I also live with my mother and she's not going to have any issues with regular maintenance. My own 3 tanks all get about 50% water changes weekly so this one will get the same.
Literally the only reason I agreed to set this tank up again is because I already  have everything I need to set it up. That and Guppies are cheap 
cool i didnt know what experience you had hence the reply, so good maintenance is a bonus and filter is cool too.
i live in a hard water area and kept guppies without issue for ages although a few years back now.
The fish per tank area always causes debate and most people try to push to the max or beyond.
well i wish you luck and iam sure ur mum with enjoy them , have u thought of mixing with a few other small colourful fish ie tetra's

oh the only thing I would say is that i heard guppies are not as hardy as they used to be with all the interbreading etc
I'm not sure I'd get guppies unless you're getting all males. They'll breed like crazy. 
How about Neon Tetras and some Amano shrimp for algae control?
I'd go with less than the maximum you can have and maybe 5-7 male guppies.  And make sure the tank is cycled before getting the fish.
Yeah, I was planning on just males. I've already got Neons in another tank and I can't even get shrimp here.
I know all about cycling so that's not an issue ^^
7 seems like a good number. Thanks
Another option that is available to you if you wanted to save money would be to get one male then two females. Once they breed you could keep only the finest, most brightly colored males in the tank and either sell your females and the other duller males to your pet store or a friend. 
GriffinC18 said:
Another option that is available to you if you wanted to save money would be to get one male then two females. Once they breed you could keep only the finest, most brightly colored males in the tank and either sell your females and the other duller males to your pet store or a friend. 
You'd need a minimum of 3 tanks, however, to make that work properly... guppies mate once and have babies around 6 times and batches are anywhere from a few to about 50 (on average, I've had guppies have more than that at once)... that would instantly over populate the tank when those females gave birth.
Can't help with the how many guppy question,but what a great daughter you are. I don't have an adult child but I would wish for one as caring as you seem to be.
PrairieSunflower said:
Another option that is available to you if you wanted to save money would be to get one male then two females. Once they breed you could keep only the finest, most brightly colored males in the tank and either sell your females and the other duller males to your pet store or a friend. 
You'd need a minimum of 3 tanks, however, to make that work properly... guppies mate once and have babies around 6 times and batches are anywhere from a few to about 50 (on average, I've had guppies have more than that at once)... that would instantly over populate the tank when those females gave birth.
True, i did not think about having to wait for the fry to grow up to see the colors..... 
My guppies have had babies multiple times but i have yet to reach the fifty mark lol! I only take out about four fry to save, right after their born (just random selection) an keep the rest in with the guppies and they end up eating them all except for two or three, got some fry hungry guppies i guess. (yes it is a artificial planted tank)
I used to keep guppies (gave them up as they seemed so fragile and prone to more diseases)... I had one batch of 4, one of 10, then the rest were usually 20-30, and a few had 90+ in one batch.
Half of my batch always get eaten before i feel like getting around to going fishing for the tiny lil things to get them out....thats why i only keep four fry lol

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