How Many German Blue Rams?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 26, 2013
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So, I'm in the process of redecorating a 55 gallon aquarium. I'm just waiting on my sand, and then I can put in all my caves and plants and such. I bought it used with the original fish, which I have since rehomed. 
Anyway, I'm wondering how many GBRs I should get. I've got six albino cory cats on the way, as well as three GBRs. Should I get an even number? I was considering adding an angel fish to the mix. I'll definitely be getting some cherry barbs as well. Should I get a fourth GBR, or would three suffice?
In general, with territorial cichlids [certain species of apistogrammas being a possible exception], three is generally best to be avoided because, once a pair forms, the third will become the target of aggression.  But in a tank that large, it shouldn't be too hard for it to escape pretty easily.  But, for exactly that reason, as I assume it is a four foot tank, you could just get a second pair.  Should be plenty of room.
Two is what I suggest. The tank isn't huge. The corys will be sharing space with rams so yea just a pair would do. I have two in 53 gallon and they spend there time at the bottom.
I may end up getting one more then, as I've already paid for three. It's a four-foot long tank, and I plan on planting it and creating several cave-like structures. These are fairly young rams that I'm getting, though, so maybe they'll all be okay together for a while which would give me time to find a fourth to add in. I've heard that these rams are really peaceful, but I just wanted to check. Thanks for your replies.
Lol rams are peaceful? They'll kill each other given the chance. You should do more research! Rams are far from peaceful!
Actually they are very peaceful. I can quote many sources that will say that too. 2 pairs would be fine in a tank that size.
techen said:
Lol rams are peaceful? They'll kill each other given the chance. You should do more research! Rams are far from peaceful!
You're the first person I've found that said this particular ram is aggressive. I've been reading up on these for several weeks now. I have heard they may get nippy when they are breeding, but for the majority they are easy community rams, which is why I'm so drawn to them in the first place. 
Either way, I've already got three on the way, so I'll find out then. If it doesn't work out then I can put one of them in a QT until I can rehome them. My plan is to try out these guys, make sure my tank's not about to crash (it shouldn't, but I can't be too careful) and then add the fourth.
attibones said:
Lol rams are peaceful? They'll kill each other given the chance. You should do more research! Rams are far from peaceful!
You're the first person I've found that said this particular ram is aggressive. I've been reading up on these for several weeks now. I have heard they may get nippy when they are breeding, but for the majority they are easy community rams, which is why I'm so drawn to them in the first place. 
Either way, I've already got three on the way, so I'll find out then. If it doesn't work out then I can put one of them in a QT until I can rehome them. My plan is to try out these guys, make sure my tank's not about to crash (it shouldn't, but I can't be too careful) and then add the fourth.
Just a side note, they can be a little skittish, so if you approach the tank they may scatter (at least mine did when I had GBRs) I had 6 in a 75g tank, and while one one pair bred, I rarely saw any nipping between the rams. They had enough room that they didn't tread in each others space. I don't believe you will see any problems, and if you do, I doubt they will be deadly. I am glad you have a back up plan just in case. :) Good luck with your fish. I assume you will ost pics when you get them? :p
Of course I will post pictures! They should be here in about a week and a half.

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