Fish Crazy
I have set up a 88 litre tank and wanted some sparkling gouramis. The measurements are:
91.5cm across by 32cm deep by 30cm back.
I am putting a pair of albino bristlenose plecos, 1 pepper cory, 1 panda cory and 1 zebra loach.
I have a list of some fish I was hoping you could suggest how many of each and if they will be ok together.
Sparkiling Gouramis
Albino Bristlenose Plecos
Peppered corys
Panda corys
Zebra loach
Lemon tetras
Cardinal Tetras
Thanks, Panda_cory.
91.5cm across by 32cm deep by 30cm back.
I am putting a pair of albino bristlenose plecos, 1 pepper cory, 1 panda cory and 1 zebra loach.
I have a list of some fish I was hoping you could suggest how many of each and if they will be ok together.
Sparkiling Gouramis
Albino Bristlenose Plecos
Peppered corys
Panda corys
Zebra loach
Lemon tetras
Cardinal Tetras
Thanks, Panda_cory.