How Many Fish?


Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
Liverpool, England
I have set up a 88 litre tank and wanted some sparkling gouramis. The measurements are:
91.5cm across by 32cm deep by 30cm back.

I am putting a pair of albino bristlenose plecos, 1 pepper cory, 1 panda cory and 1 zebra loach.
I have a list of some fish I was hoping you could suggest how many of each and if they will be ok together.

Sparkiling Gouramis
Albino Bristlenose Plecos
Peppered corys
Panda corys
Zebra loach
Lemon tetras
Cardinal Tetras

Thanks, Panda_cory. :good:
Also could I get a siamese flying fox with this or do you need a group? or will they attack the angelfish long fins?
Please have more patience in waiting for replies, you needlessly bumped your thread 5 times in just over an hour, your thread is no more important than anybody elses on here...

Angelfish; Flying Foxes; Zebra Loaches are all too big for a ~90x30x30cm tank.

Because of the amount of waste that vegetarian BN Catfish produce, a single BN (which become quite chunky 10-15cm adults) typically need 125l and excellent external filtration. Your ~81l tank is going to really struggle with two BN long term.

Your (exisitng?) singleton Peppered and Panda Corydoras need another 5 "friends" each minimum, which to be honest I would call an overstocked tank alone at ~60cm of adult fish. Personally, I would choose one or the other species and rehome the one that losses out.

Your (existing?) Zebra Loach should really be in a group of 6+ (another ~60cm of adult fish) and they are too active for a 3-foot tank, I would not put a group in anything less than a 4-foot minimum. This singleton needs rehoming IMO.

Sparkling Gourami are truely tropical fish that should be kept in the mid to high 20s (celcius), but your Peppered and Panda Corydoras are temperate/sub-tropical fish that would do far better in a heaterless tank, so not a good combo IMO. I would replace the Sparkling Gourami with something like sub-tropical White Cloud Mountain Minnow.

In conclusion, I would call your ~81l tank fully stocked with...
6x Peppered Corydoras OR 6x Panda Corydoras

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