How Many Fish For 25Litre Tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England

I have a small 25 litre tank for my son aged 4 and he loves it teaching him the art of lookin afta somethin, my question is how many max fish am I able to put in it?

Currently we have 1 Mollie and 1 plattie. I have heard 6 & 8 or 10 but this has not come from any experts or knowledgeable fish keepers.

Lookin to keep just mollies and platties

I've just solved the problem of evaporating water on another thread

I am lookin at gettin another tank 39x12x17" and will seek help with this later

Thankin u all in advancd
Imo mollies are too big for a 25 litre, as are platys, they can grow quite big
Some of the micro rasboras would suit better, chili rasboras, maybe some male endlers, & some shrimp
Pets at home staff are not specifically trained on fish and some of the advice I have overheard is to say the least, questionable. I have seen tanks and fish being sold together on the same day and common plecs being sold for nano tanks... They are there to make sales, plain and simple.

Ten fish in such a small tank would most certainly kill them off quite quickly. You may be able to keep 2 or 3 of the smaller platies (not variatus) in a 25l but mollies are far too large so I would take that one back unless your upgrade is imminent. Guppies would also be ok in small numbers but a betta would be the best option. Colourful and he can become a real pet for your son. You could also get three very small micro rasboras/endlers/tetras and some shrimp or snails too.
ember tetra, celestial pearl danios, chilli rasbora

these are all very colourful micro fish which you could have about 6-10 of in that size tank.
Thank you all very much for the help I am new I will be making a couple of threads soon re preppeing water change (80litre) and what heater and pump people can advis me to buy

I am taking the mollies back to pets at home, I rang them and said I believe I was misadvised.

Thanking you all again

Sorry or my spelling I am on a stupid phone againm my son has used and he's stored slang words on it grrrrrr

My new tank is arriving end of this month and can't wait .. I want to do this right ie keeping fish

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