How Many Female Bettas In A 16 Gal Tank?


Fish Crazy
Jan 27, 2011
Reaction score
New York
I currently have 2 female betta with 4 mollies and everyone gets along well. I'm not that crazy about the mollies and have a friend who wants them. I'd like to add a few more female betta if possible. Any ideas on how many can live together?
Google (or search this forum) for "Betta Sorrorities"
There are MANY schools of thought on the matter, and it has always produced lengthy discussions. ;)

The past topics are always very informative, and many different opinions are floating about out there.

I am of the opinion that they are really a short term option, that would require more time than I am willing to invest in the enterprise, so my girls all have their own little "apartments" :)
in my tank i have 6 females all living together happily there is also 5 neon tetra (till they are taken away by my brother in a month or so) and 4 peppered coryodora (will be giving 2 of these to my brotehr also in about a month) and i plan on adding more females and lots more live plants ( my tank is a custom size its just under 2ft long 19'' high and 1ft wide there is plenty of space for them all to live and there is no fighting between them all there does seemt o be 1 dominant female who is the biggest ( and i even had to get a mirror to make sure she wasnt a he lol) but currently they only flare at my male through his plastic cage :D the things i have read up on say depending on the females (some are just agresive) you can keep as many as to the maximum for your tank :D

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