Try to run them on a regular cycle so they go on and off at the same time each day. if you want to be a nut about it you can have shorter and longer photo periods during the year to simulate the seasons. More work I don't care to do.
AF- I am actually working on another cycling related article which deals with this topic: "How to rescue a fish in cycle gone bad" I could write up a lovely piece on cycling with fish, but I won't since that would only encourage people to do them. In this day and age there is almost no reason for one not to go fishless. So I feel if I explain well how to do a fishless, it will have the effect of aiding and abetting.
And my preferred solution for fishless gone bad is to add Dr Tim's or Safe Start unless one can find enough cycled media from local fish keepers to do the job. Instead of trying to keep ammonia and nitrite out of the tank, I prefer putting the needed bacteria in to solve the problem. But buying bacteria is not so cheap and not all can afford that. The next best option is to remove fish from the tank which makes the cycle more manageable. Fewer fish = less ammonia produced. My least favorite choice is doing repeated large water changes for weeks on end. It is more work and stress on the fishkeeper and for sure is more stressful for fish which is a bad thing. And every time one has to do this, there is the chance to forget the dechlor, or to make some other mistake. After all we are only human.
And then there is the fact that to pull off a fish in cycle, one really needs to know more than to pull off a fishless cycle. There is more to learn and consider.
One last note for those who may be reading this thread. There is a big difference between ammonia during a fish in cycle and how to handle it vs when you discover ammonia or nitrite in an established tank. In this case, if you spot either, you need to find out why fast and fix any problem. That old saying about 0 ammonia and nitrite in an established tank does apply and you should never look the other way when you test either of these in your established tank. It does not matter how low the reading is, find out why. It may prove to be a false reading, but you still need to investigate ASAP to be sure.
AF- if you have problems/questions, feel free to shoot me a PM. Sometimes I don't read the forums for a while but I regularly check emails and I am set to be notified by Email when a new one arrives. So just Epoke me