How Long Should I Leave The Other Tank's Filter Media In The New T


Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2014
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I have an Aquaclear filter on my 20 gallon tank, along with a sponge filter.  Since the sponge already had a lot of biological filtration going on that tank, I used the bag of little white cylinders that is used for bio-filtration from the Aquaclear to help cycle my new 25 gallon tank.

I think I am in the end of my fish-in cycling period now.  My ammonia is reading .25, and that's without adding a daily dose of Prime.  I also haven't done a water change in 3 days.  My nitrites are at 0, which they have always been, and the nitrates are around 5ppm. 
I assume the speed of the cycle, just over a week, is due in large part to the established bioligical filtration from the other filter.  How long should I wait until I take that out?  I WOULD just leave it in there, but the filters are two very different styles and there really was no good way to put it in the filter, so I just stuffed it where it would fit.  Also, they don't sell those little white cylinders anywhere so I will eventually need to put them back in the Aquaclear on my 20 gallon.
I would keep them in there. If it works, its good. Check out fluval media. They make some good ones.
I would leave it but it's also slowing down the filter movement considerably, so I'm not sure if that would be a good idea

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