How Long Should A Co2 Mix Last


Oct 10, 2005
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Dublin, Ireland
I've managed to get my tank stable at PH 6.5 and CO2 at 21ppm. I'm aiming for 30ppm @ PH 6.5 so i'm buffering my water up to KH 60ppm. (Chucks calculator).
Problem is my CO2 mixes are only lasting 48hrs.
Is this what i should expect? I've overlapped CO2 units so i can change them a day apart but this still means a mix change every 2 days. Is this just because i'm building up CO2 or is this the way it's going to be?
I can't go on holidays! Help!
The only way to make it last longer that I found was to add less yeast proportionally to the mix. This means you ether need to sacrifice your CO² level, OR use a bigger bottle.

Personally I'd recommend pressurised whole heartedly if there is anyway you can. For anything about 35G DIY is very high maintenance.
I agree with @ombomb. DIY CO2 is a good solution for temporary evaluation of CO2 injection. Use pressurized CO2, if you need them to run more than couple of days. But, for now you may be able to get away with a larger bottle and BREWER's yeast. They last much longer (about twice as long) than the baker's yeast. Of course, this will depend on the type of brewer's yeast as well.
im using two 2 litre bottles 1/2 spoon bakers yeast to 2 cups pure cane sugar each bottle last about 2 weeks
but i change a bottle each week to keep co2 stable (have already bought regulator and shut off solinode and when get more money get the rest ) brewers yeast will lst even longer but more money
Thanks guys, pressurised is not an option at the moment, unfortunately. Bigger bottles seem to be the only way to go then. I don't mind changing mixes every 2 days but if i'm away for any more than a weekend i'm in trouble....
sounds like somethings a miss mate.

on my 40G (sig) i have 2 nutrafin units. 1/2 tsp allinsons (sp? orange can) bakers yeast and 1 tsp bicarb. lasts 10 days but change every weekend at water change.
Well, i've no leaks that i can find, I changed the mix last saturday morning and had a steady 21ppm for 2 days, last night it was down to 7ppm.
Jimbooo, you seem to be using less than half the yeast i am (McDougalls fast action bread yeast). It comes in 7 gram sachets and i'm using 1 sachet per canister with a little more sugar than recommended.
Could it be the sugar that's running out rather than the yeast?
I've been putting my bicarb into the tank water. Is there any advantage in adding it to the CO2 mix?
er dunno mate. all i know is the original sachets supplied with the kit (is yours a nutrafin or diy coke bottle?) are yeast and bicarb, you add both to the water inside the bottle. i've just replicated whats in the sachets.

my yeast is little balls about 1mm across not a fine dust powder (does that make a difference?? i dunno) if you use a nutrafin kit and get that yeast it will definatly work for 10 days. (follow that link to the yeast pic. available from tesco off the shelf) sorry cant post link, in fast reply. (okay maybe i can then :S )

edit: just realised i have a box of mcdougals yeast in the cupboard, it's pretty crap for some reason hence i stopped using it.
Mine is a nutrafin (well, 2 nutrafins) and i stopped using the sachets i got with it because they were worse than useless. Zig uses the same setup as i do in more or less the same size tank and i don't think he has the same problems....Zig, if you check in here, how often do you change your mix?
Maybe i need to try different yeast, brewers yeast maybe?
As far as i understand it, the bicarb in the nutrafin sachets is just a buffer and makes no difference to the co2 production, but i could be wrong. I add bicarb at water changes to keep my KH @ 40-60ppm.
I see if i can find the yeast you use.... I guess this is going to be trial and error.
I'm not sure that I understand all the variables involved, does the air space inside the container make a difference too? It's an aerobic reaction, isn't it?
i've tried with and without bicarb. without it the reaction seems to go through fits and starts. the bicarb stabalises it to produce a more even flow.

i only fill 2/3 full with water to prevent the froth coming up the tube.

from memory zig changes the mix weekly.
There's 2 of my problems sorted straight away! i have loads of muck in my tubes (so to speak!) :) and i'm probably overfilling.
I'll try adding some bicarb to the mix too. My first mix with the supplied ingredients didn't work at all so i assumed it was all rubbish! Good scientific approach there, i'm sure you'll agree!
I'll change it later and observe...
Thanks again

no problem mate. to ease your pain cleaning the tubes follow this method.

pull the tube off the top of the cannister (leaving the ladder etc in the tank). get a bucket ready and suck carefully (yeast is pretty gross). the syphon will clean the tubes just pinch the tube where any build up appears and roll it in your fingers whilst syphoning.

i do this every month or so to keep things in shape.
Yeah, i had a go at that last may smell like beer but it sure doesn't taste like it!
I learned about the syphon effect the first time i changed the mix. I'm in the kitchen faffing around with yeast and sugar while my tank is slowly emptying onto the living room floor! :no:
Good tip though, jimbooo.
PtarmiganUK where do you get wine making yeast from. i cant find it anywhere. not in any shops (been trying for a year now) or online.

any links??

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