How Long For Platy To Give Birth?


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
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Missouri, USA
My female platy has been pregnant for almost a month now. She is huge and her birthing tube has been visible for at least two weeks. Is this a normal amount of time? I feel like she should have given birth already. Her side fins move so fast when she swims because she is so big. She also eats like a pig and poos like crazy. I don't have any good pictures of her to post, but will try to get one tonight.
Finally got a semi ok picture of her
Woke up this morning to some fry! I think most became snacks but a few are still going strong. How fast do they grow.
I'm gonna have to get another tank soon now. I've seen at least five that have made it through the weekend. I can't believe how big their eyes are and they all just stay huddled together. Can't wait for her to have some more!

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