I've got a newly setup aquarium with a trio of platy's and a few glowlight tetras. One of the platy's has dropped some fry although I hadn't realised and there were only 2 left after the last big water change (had a horrific ammonia issue that killed a pair of barbs and one platy).
I am aware that I will get another batch in a few weeks but my query is about the length of time it takes for a platy to go from first to last drop of fry (obviously it will be dependant on the number she drops but is there a ball park guide? Is it a couple of hours or a couple of days?)
More questions to come as the tank develops as this is my first tropical setup (had cold water for years) and my first experience of live bearers
I am aware that I will get another batch in a few weeks but my query is about the length of time it takes for a platy to go from first to last drop of fry (obviously it will be dependant on the number she drops but is there a ball park guide? Is it a couple of hours or a couple of days?)
More questions to come as the tank develops as this is my first tropical setup (had cold water for years) and my first experience of live bearers