how long does it take for fry to grow?


Fish Herder
Jul 28, 2003
Reaction score
South England
iwas wondering how long it takes for a fry to get this big -------- as longs as all the liens together heheheh also will fry live on one feeding day co si have to go on holiday and i doubt are neighbour wants to feed them 5 times a day ......... they all very cute but i cant really see the small ones so i'm never sure if ther platie ,ollies of whateve gupppies.......... :S :/ but still cute :*) :wub: lol :hyper:
well, it doesn't work that way. it has several seperate compartments that you fill with food,
and at whatever time you set the timer to feed the fish it releases the food in one compartment
that you filled. they look sort of like this

only problem is that their realy expensive.
They're quite hardy little things really. My first brood of platy fry (back in January) I isolated in a nursery tank within the main tank. I fed them twice a day with liquid fry food. I went on holiday in Feb when the fry were approx _____ this big, put a 7 day block feeder in and they all survived! Since then, my female platys have fry all the time, most of which get eaten (it's a harsh world :( ), however, approx 2 weeks ago I noticed a fry approx ____ this size hiding in a plant. I've put liquid fry food in twice daily, directly on top of the plant, he/she is now _______ this big and swimming with the adults - too big to get eaten now - and eats the normal flake food that I put in for the other fish.

Hope that helps.
I feed my babies 2-3 times a day and they are fine.....As the growing goes It may take a little bit, I have some 3 1/2 week old Mollies that are growing but slowly :lol:
ok thnx everyone heheh i feed mine five times a day cos it say the first week of sumthin like taht is when they have there growing peak lol they like the food hehehe a nd i might get some ive foo dfor them! :lol: does anyone know of a live food that lasts a week???? :D baby brine shrimp only last for three days! :unsure:

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