How is this possible ???


New Member
Feb 28, 2004
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:huh: ~ I have a 10 gal tank that consists of:
1- platy
2 headlight/tailight tetras
2- golden tetras
2 rasboras
2- apple snails
1- dwarf frog
I have had the platy for about four months , about two months ago i spotted one fry in the tank , it unfortunatly died soon after being seperated . I have read that the gestation period for these fish is about 4-8 weeks (?) so i figured she had been pregnant when i brought her home .Two days ago she gave birth to one fry . ???
He is the same size as the one i found two months ago so he couldn't have come from the same birth . Where did this little fish come from ?
hi neener :D welcome to the forum

platies are from the poeciliidae family - they are a livebearer who stores sperm for future fertilization - which means they may only be mated once but will continue to have babies every four weeks approx till the sperm runs your platie mum may have more babies in a few more weeks

the babies aren't too hard to look after - hardest bit is stopping the other fish in the tank from eating them.....may need to get a breeder net/trap to put the fry into if you want to save it.

good luck


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