I did a water change yesterday, it took a long time! One hour plus.
Since i changed tanks and added bogwood, the water has always been really dark, stained with tannins. After the recent water change it has looked slightly lighter. The carbon in the filter hasnt really made a difference and its still dark 2 months later, I did boil the wood for three days prior to setting up.
What can i do to remove the tannins?
I am finding water changes hard now ive changed to sand, yes it looks alot better, but theres always fish waste on the sand, even after cleaning with the gravel vac.
It doesnt always get sucked up by the tube, and when i do try and get the dirt up, it always takes alot of sand up with it. The sand is hard to see when the lid is up, even when all of the lights are on. Plus the plants seem to always un-root whilst doing maintenance. How does everyone manage this task?
10 hours later after the water change my biggest cherry shrimp is dead too.
Since i changed tanks and added bogwood, the water has always been really dark, stained with tannins. After the recent water change it has looked slightly lighter. The carbon in the filter hasnt really made a difference and its still dark 2 months later, I did boil the wood for three days prior to setting up.
What can i do to remove the tannins?
I am finding water changes hard now ive changed to sand, yes it looks alot better, but theres always fish waste on the sand, even after cleaning with the gravel vac.
It doesnt always get sucked up by the tube, and when i do try and get the dirt up, it always takes alot of sand up with it. The sand is hard to see when the lid is up, even when all of the lights are on. Plus the plants seem to always un-root whilst doing maintenance. How does everyone manage this task?
10 hours later after the water change my biggest cherry shrimp is dead too.