How Do I Know If My Bubble Molly Is Done Giving Birth


New Member
Apr 28, 2007
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my black bubble molly started giving bith like 2hours ago and there are like 10-12 fry all are eather black or half yellow and black or all white but i was wondering when she would ne done giving birth so i can put her back in my comminity tank so she wont eat the babies and how long before she will eat them because i may leave her in till the morning and then take her out as long as she wont eat the babies
take her out when she is done. It's not good keeping her in breeding traps/nets, it makes them really stressed (imagine being in a tiny closet while you are giving birth :rolleyes: ). Take her out now if you can, put her in the community and net out the babies, then put them in the breeding net/trap. It can take hours for her to be done, although half an hour-2 hours is usually how long it takes.
Birthing is almost always done within twenty four hours, but the majority of the birthing process is done within five hours I'd say from my experience. You may see one or two fry pop out after, but they're generally all dropped pretty quickly.

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