How big do African Aquatic Frogs get????

are they African Dwarf Frogs? or African Clawed? both are aquatic......and very different sizes, full grown.......
do they have little black nails on the end of there extremities? if so they are clawed frogs they get very big and full grown can be very agressive. make sure you get the ones with out claws or you may end up with dead fish.
they are just spotted and don't seem to be bothering an of the fish so i don't think it is a clawed frog. How big are the african dwarf frogs Lcnva was talking about?
DO NOT add african clawed frogs with fish i had one with a bubble eye fish the frog ripped apart its bubble sacs ripped its eyes out and killed it.
have any other people here had fish with there Clawed frogs? Would they possibley be ok with something as long as the fish was bigger than the frog?
At my Walmart they only sell African dwarf frogs. One way to tell if it is a dwarf or a clawed is to count the fingers and toes. The dwarf have 5 toes on each foot and 4 fingers on each hand. They are kinda muddy water colored (dark khaki?) and have little black dots all over them. Their max. size is about 2 inches, but some only get to 1 1/2. Mine has been living happily and peacefully with my neon tetra. Hope that helps. :)
I have had an african dwarf frog in my community tank for way over a year. He is about 1 1/2 inches long and gets along just fine with everyone. I was worried when I put him in my 55 gallon as it is 18 inches tall, but no problem. He eats shrimp pellets and doesn't let the fish take them from him. Very cute. :wub:

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