How About This For A Single Betta?


Sep 23, 2007
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My 10 year old daughter wants to get a small fish tank in her room. Having kept tropical fish for a few years now, I think an easy and colourful option for her would be a single male betta in a small tank.
I was wondering whether something like this might be suitable if we added a small heater?
We have had bettas before but unfortunately I got rid of the small tank we used to keep them in when I upgraded to a bigger community tank.
PS Please don't worry about the fish's welfare, I am experienced with tropical fish and will be supervising and my daughter is a sensible and responsible girl.
Some people will say that this is not big enough for a single betta, which would need at least another 5 litres. My own view is that if you can afford a bigger tank, and have the space for it, then it would be better for the betta if you did. However, if you don't then this would just about suffice for a "normal" veiltail betta, with relatively small finnage, rather than a more fancy halfmoon or delta.
Remember that you will also need a small heater with this tank.
If it's acrylic you might not be able to use a heater as it'll melt the tank.
Thanks for the replies.  Yes I will look into a slightly larger tank, she is constrained by budget as she has a finite amount of birthday money to spend!
I hadn't thought about the acrylic thing, but this is marketed as suitable for tropical fish so surely it should be able to work with a heater?
Lizzie71 said:
Thanks for the replies.  Yes I will look into a slightly larger tank, she is constrained by budget as she has a finite amount of birthday money to spend!
I hadn't thought about the acrylic thing, but this is marketed as suitable for tropical fish so surely it should be able to work with a heater?
That's fair enough then, just have to watch that some thinner tanks can and will melt
 - had a customer bring in a bendy starter tank back into work as they put a heater in it aha!
In my experience, Acrylic will work fine with a heater.
Most acrylic tanks will work with heaters from my experience.  The one you are talking about Sophie makes me wonder if the heater malfunctioned and didn't turn off or some other problem that caused it to harm the tank.
3 gal (15L) is a decent size for a single betta although if able I would go 5 gal(20L) at least since it is easier to heat reliably and you can filter it to keep a steady cycle.  Plus of course the betta will appreciate the extra room.  :D
Wildbetta said:
Most acrylic tanks will work with heaters from my experience.  The one you are talking about Sophie makes me wonder if the heater malfunctioned and didn't turn off or some other problem that caused it to harm the tank.
3 gal (15L) is a decent size for a single betta although if able I would go 5 gal(20L) at least since it is easier to heat reliably and you can filter it to keep a steady cycle.  Plus of course the betta will appreciate the extra room.  
It's a warning we were given when it came to selling starter tanks at P@H. I presume they also tested this theory so *shrug* - Could just be poop P@H products but I never would like to take the risk.
Lizzie71 said:
Aha I have found a 20 litre one for not much more money
Could work quite well I think.  
The bigger space is better as you can add plants for cover/resting which helps reduce stress with the Bettas.
20L is a decent size tho is the smallest I'd use for a betta. With your previous tropical experience you'll know to do fishless cycling of the tank so that it will have a much better start than if it was a fish-in cycling process. As you know, even small amounts of ammonia burn the gills and it also saves you doing at least daily if not more frequent water changes to avoid gill damage and other health issues.
Good luck with the tank set-up and let us know how it goes - with pictures would be great!
I was intending to use some filter media from the established tank to get things started and speed it up for my daughter :)
I did that with my betta tank too altho it still took 5 weeks to fully cycle. The mature gravel was a big help tho in getting it kick-started. Good luck with getting it up and running - hope your daughter is patient and doesn't push for the fish before it's ready.  
Are you going to do a blog?
I like the Fluval Spec 5 Gallon (although do not own one), but realise this may be beyond your daughters budget.
Where are you located?  Gumtree can be a good source, as you can get a good tank for not a lot of money.  For example I got a UFO350 for £20, my Betta boys love the room in there, it would look great in your daughters room and it is glass.  You seen this about location?
Hi, thanks for the answers.  I am in SE London.  I will take a look at Gumtree for her - she still hasn't decided whether to get the fish tank or spending the money on (yet more) riding lessons, so there's no rush 
Cool, just had a quick look and for example there is a glass tank, 60 inches long 12 inches deep and 15 inches high, in London on Gumtree for £50.  There is a very nice square one with stand for £70, wouldn't mind it myself but cannot add any more
  I got one of mine on Gumtree for £100, total estimated cost of all the equipment etc., was £700, so I would definitely purchase a better tank for your money second hand vs the small kits you were looking at.  Also, look on Freecycle as you can get them for free from there.
Can you action this please :)
Look forward to her hopefully deciding on having a fish as this will last longer than a riding lesson ;)

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