Fish Gatherer
Well... I seem to be having trouble with my little platy... only.. I don't know what the trouble is!
First of all, my tank is very stable with 0 readings and 10 for nitrates.
I was having a bit of an issue with some of my fish (1 female guppy, 1 neon, 2 platies) flashing. Nothing visible for why they were doing this, water stats remained stable. Upon the advice from a friend, I did a big water change, though bigger than she actually suggested... I changed all the water except the bottom 2 inches leaving that much for the fish to swim in.
SO.... the water change has remedied all the flashing. I've not seen a single flash since (that was yesterday evening). My larger platy, 4 adult female guppies, 2 juvenile female guppies, 1 fry and 16 neon tetras are all fine.
But, my small platy is mostly just hovering around the quite side of the filter. Nothing is visibly wrong with her (no marks, nice scales, perfect color, no clamping, no spots, nothing, perfect in appearance), no issues with harassing, she is eating fine. She comes out to see me in hopes of food each time I look in the tank.
The hovering isn't normal though.... any ideas??
First of all, my tank is very stable with 0 readings and 10 for nitrates.
I was having a bit of an issue with some of my fish (1 female guppy, 1 neon, 2 platies) flashing. Nothing visible for why they were doing this, water stats remained stable. Upon the advice from a friend, I did a big water change, though bigger than she actually suggested... I changed all the water except the bottom 2 inches leaving that much for the fish to swim in.
SO.... the water change has remedied all the flashing. I've not seen a single flash since (that was yesterday evening). My larger platy, 4 adult female guppies, 2 juvenile female guppies, 1 fry and 16 neon tetras are all fine.
But, my small platy is mostly just hovering around the quite side of the filter. Nothing is visibly wrong with her (no marks, nice scales, perfect color, no clamping, no spots, nothing, perfect in appearance), no issues with harassing, she is eating fine. She comes out to see me in hopes of food each time I look in the tank.
The hovering isn't normal though.... any ideas??