Hot Water


New Member
Jul 29, 2004
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Hi, can someone help me? I have a 75 gallon tank, i used to have tanganyika cichlids, but they al died in a week, my water tempreture is 32-33c! i know its very high, i want to know what fresh water fishes can i put in my aquarium that is capable of tolerating high tempretures? i dont want to buy chillers and stuff its too expensive. thanks
i checked my tank other day was abit 2 hot, my fish seamed fine though, am sure cold water would want cold or cooler water.. why cant u just turn heater off????
!guppy! said:
why cant u just turn heater off????
Since he mentioned not wanting to get a chiller, I took it to mean that it gets that temp without a heater.

The only fish I can think of that likes the higher temps is discus. Never kept them, but in doing some internet searches, looks like the temp range for them is 28-31.

I've heard of people chilling their water by floating bags or plastic bottles of ice in the tank. And others just use a fan to cool it off. May be worth a try!
heresmike is right on the money :)

Discus will quite like those temps, but apparently need lower temps to stimulate breeding.

Also, setting up a fan to blow over the water surface should help reduce the temp a little. This will, however, increase the amount of evaporation and you will need to top the tank up every now and then.


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