Horsefaced loach?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Hey I just got back from the fish shop, I bought 5 cardinal tetras and 2 rams, they were marked as balloon, but Im pretty sure they are Bolivian.

Anywho while I was there getting my rams, there was a weird looking loach in the same tank, so I bought it, I've looked on the fish index and it says its a horsefaced loach, it also says it needs a sand substrate, at the LFS they just had small pebbles, as have I.

Will it damage itself on these?
we used to have 2 of these in a small gravel substrate...

we never saw them - they lived under the gravel :)
lol, my one is crazy, tries to swim around really fast, but its body doesnt seem to be designed that way.

Its currently the only fish in the tank I dont wanna put my hand near, even though it cant harm me!!
Ya, like all loaches they hide under something either gravel or rocks or in something like a cave or tube. What's really hard is trying to catch these things if you ever have to move them. I had a pair of lesser loaches in a gravel substrate, to say the least it was fun trying to find them, and that was only in a 5 gal.

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