Home Made Food


Fish Aficionado
Jan 27, 2007
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Commuting between Oaxaca, Mexico and Montreal, Can
Hi, I am having trouble acquiring sufficient livefoods for my adult killies. I can only get adult brine shrimp once a week, if any, and nothing else. I have tried ants, but they are not willing to eat them, so I wondered, whether I could make my own food and give them the necessary proteins to develop healthy and condition them for breeding?

Any suggestions and recipes? Thanks in advance.
culturing your own live food is a option

just my two cents
Are you not privy to seeking out and collecting daphnia copepods, blackworms or mossie larvae. Any terrestial flies and their larval stages will also be fine provided they haven't been sprayed. I saw you mentioned ants but their casing are a little tuff for small fish such as killies to consume so they tend to bit and spit them out. You definitely must be able to get hold of fruitfly, you'll only need a few to start cultures with only thing is you'll have to drown them before you feed as they will be winged variety.
Yes, I agree with the ants; they didn't like the casing. For smaller ants it is fine, but the larger ones were not appreciated.

Thanks for the ideas. I will look around to see what else I can get. Luckily I am in the country side....

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