Hole In Head Disease On New Fish


Jan 29, 2012
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I purchased a 7 inch green severum today from my lfs that was not there last week when i went. I was so stunned at the fish i failed to inspect it properly. When i got it home i noticed it had been fairly battered and its finns are shredded. But more worrying it has about 11 small holes in its head and 2 of which are really deep. Its feeding well and is very active. I know clean water will help to treat it. Can anyone offer me any advice. Will it get better? Shall i add an antibac/fungal treatment too? Thanks
I had two black angels with hole in the head. The first one I treated with api general cure(I think... can't remember off the top of my head). The other one I treated with lots of good water changes because I had run out of meds and figured water changes couldn't hurt. Both fish are fine now. Sometimes all you need is good clean water.
I purchased a 7 inch green severum today from my lfs that was not there last week when i went. I was so stunned at the fish i failed to inspect it properly. When i got it home i noticed it had been fairly battered and its finns are shredded. But more worrying it has about 11 small holes in its head and 2 of which are really deep. Its feeding well and is very active. I know clean water will help to treat it. Can anyone offer me any advice. Will it get better? Shall i add an antibac/fungal treatment too? Thanks

Well...? I can only presume you've been keepig your water extra, extra clean..how is the little fella doing?

must've been a hot chick sellin you the fish.

Or it's another totally fabricated story.

fat chance of me making a story up like this. i origanally planned to buy a smaller one but when my girlfriends back was turned i secretly asked for the bigger one. he is doing fine now, hes already taken over the tank and is a very active fish. he is healing very slowly but because of the disease he is open to infection. but ive been keeping very clear and clean water as best i can :)
Glad to hear the 'holes' have been clearing up, what (if any) meds did you have to use?
I simply found it very odd that you didn't notice 11 holes in it's head at the LFS, then left the thread empty with no #bumps# or remarks on what you had been doing.
It is obvious that it was far, far from being an accusation given the words i used and how i used them... but in contrast quite the opposite to your behaviour a few months ago on here, both public and PM, but i'm grown up enough to let that one go amigo :zz .

Best of luck with him, i hope his wounds don't contract any infection/s.

Well your obivously not, because what you said was'nt necessary,if you are "grown up enough to let that one go" you wouldnt have said anything.

A/ I'm failing to see what this really does have to do with you.
B/ Have a little look at your grammar and punctuation before having a go at what i say, eh?

Kindest regards.

Well your obivously not, because what you said was'nt necessary,if you are "grown up enough to let that one go" you wouldnt have said anything.
i just didnt notice them. i dont know why. but part of me is glad im the one who bought him and not someone who is going to neglect him because of his disease, or just fail to care for him. i have been using a treatment but i cant remeber what it is, although i stopped treatment a few days ago and replced my carbon pads. water is very clear and tests indicate no problems. i agree with you here noah but at the end of the day hes said hes gunna forget about it now and so will i :)
Well your obivously not, because what you said was'nt necessary,if you are "grown up enough to let that one go" you wouldnt have said anything.

A/ I'm failing to see what this really does have to do with you.
B/ Have a little look at your grammar and punctuation before having a go at what i say, eh?

Kindest regards.

No Terry, it is'nt anything to do with me, but i stick up for who's right, and at the moment, Deftuch is right.
And by the way, it's quite sad to comment on someones punctuation and grammer, especially when they've got Dyslexia.

Kindest Regards

Noah ;)

Well your obivously not, because what you said was'nt necessary,if you are "grown up enough to let that one go" you wouldnt have said anything.
i just didnt notice them. i dont know why. but part of me is glad im the one who bought him and not someone who is going to neglect him because of his disease, or just fail to care for him. i have been using a treatment but i cant remeber what it is, although i stopped treatment a few days ago and replced my carbon pads. water is very clear and tests indicate no problems. i agree with you here noah but at the end of the day hes said hes gunna forget about it now and so will i :)
Okey dokey, i wont comment on the situation again :D :good:
And good luck with the fish.

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