Now that every things back on track with my aquariums thought I'd make a thread about hillstream loaches. From the first time I saw one I've always been intrigued when I see one pop up at the fish store or see an online picture. I'm not seriously considering getting one as I know they have specific needs, but it's just a thought. I was thinking of getting one for my 20 gallon, or do I need 2? 6? What about substrate, is sand fine? Do they have to have rock caves, I only have driftwood and plants. I know they need lots of oxygen, would a good amount of plants, an airstone, and a filter that pumps 120 gph (I think) be ok? Compatibility? 6 sterbai corycats and 6 cardinal tetras? I know they prefer the lower temperature spectrum so thats probably my biggest problem, would 78 be absolutely too high for them? Would sterbais be alright in 75? Is my water too soft with peat moss with a ph of 6.2 and a gh around 80ppm? Thanks