High Fin Catfish

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May 5, 2006
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Does anyone know anything about these guys? I have 2 and when they first went in they were swimming around all over the place. Now they are jsut hiding next to the filter and aren't even interested in the catfish pellets I bought them!

They are really small so if they are nocturnal I doubt I'll see them until the little guys get bigger!

Is there anything I can do to encourage them to come out?
What species are they? - several very different fish get called high fin catfish so a description would help.
What species are they? - several very different fish get called high fin catfish so a description would help.


I believe they are Synodontis Alberti. That's the closest I can find on the net and pictures and description are pretty good! Unfortunately the ever helpful (not!) LFS only had them labelled as High Fin Catfish.
Sounds more like Synodontis Eupterus aka featherfin catfish, which are not completely nocturnal but are more active after lights out.

Edit: They get more active as they grow, mine were very shy until they reached around 3-4".
Sounds more like Synodontis Eupterus aka featherfin catfish, which are not completely nocturnal but are more active after lights out.

Edit: They get more active as they grow, mine were very shy until they reached around 3-4".

Cheers! I will look this one up to see if they look like mine but all the pics of Synodontis Albertis I've seen so far are pretty spot on.

I will keep feeding the little guys to make them grow! Any tips on whats best for this? :good:
Synodontis Alberti

Synodontis Eupterus

That should help ID your fish, just bear in mind that there can be quite a difference in colouration with syno's depending on their age. If its one of these 2, the dorsal fin should give it away, even with a juvenile.

I feed my Eupterus a combination of standard catfish pellets, bloodworm and occasionally some of my Green Terror's krill.

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