

Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Chelmsford, Essex, UK
Hi all.

Just had to pop by and say hello.

We just have the one tank at the mo, but we have a couple of other tanks standing by (especially if the mollies keep doing what they do........) :rolleyes: .

100 L tank.

10 Neon Tetras
8 Mollies (black and dalmation, sailfin and standard)
3 Zebra Loaches
2 Catfish (Synos)

Nice site..........I visited another, but that seemed a little pretentious.... :blink:
Thanks Puffer.

This is probably the wrong thread to post on (I will look elsewhere), but what is the best place to identify aquatic plants?

I have about 16 but don't know what they all are. :*)

Heya, welcome to the forums :)

Here is a link to a page with thumbnail pics of many aquarium plants, plus inof on what conditions they prefer:


Also there's a Plants section on this forum where you can ask if you have any more questions.
:hi: :band: :band: :band: :band:

Welcome to the forum, just thought I would say hello, people here can be very helpful, utilize thier knowledge. See you around!
clutterydrawer said:
Heya, welcome to the forums :)

Here is a link to a page with thumbnail pics of many aquarium plants, plus inof on what conditions they prefer:


Also there's a Plants section on this forum where you can ask if you have any more questions.
Here is a link to a page with thumbnail pics of many aquarium plants, plus inof on what conditions they prefer:

Ta CD, absolutely what I was looking for. :cool:
Welcome and hello! Mollies will do "what they do", won't they? I think that fish stores really like it when we buy guppies and mollies - more tank sales in their future is what is on their mind...

Sorry, didn't see all the replies at the bottom (been away from the computer for a bit)..........

......coupla pics in the DIY forum..............I made my own stand............. :rolleyes: :D

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