Hi Fish Forum Folks,
I'm Scott, I've been running a 10 gallon tropical tank for what is coming up on almost two years. It had been pretty successful. I had it stocked with the 3 Black Skirt Tetras, 3 Zebra Danios and 3 Harlequin Rasbora. Although sadly the filter went kaput a few months ago while I was on vacation. Only two of the Black Skirts survived Replaced the Marineland HOB the tank came with for an AquaClear 30, so starting to rebuild it.
Now I'm doing some research and trying to decide what I want to do, I'm definitely going to get myself a larger tank in the near future, debating anywhere between a 46 gallon up through a 75 gallon. Although my apartment isn't that large so space will be a consideration.
Looking forward to reading through the forums, posting and making some tropical fish loving friends!
I'm Scott, I've been running a 10 gallon tropical tank for what is coming up on almost two years. It had been pretty successful. I had it stocked with the 3 Black Skirt Tetras, 3 Zebra Danios and 3 Harlequin Rasbora. Although sadly the filter went kaput a few months ago while I was on vacation. Only two of the Black Skirts survived Replaced the Marineland HOB the tank came with for an AquaClear 30, so starting to rebuild it.
Now I'm doing some research and trying to decide what I want to do, I'm definitely going to get myself a larger tank in the near future, debating anywhere between a 46 gallon up through a 75 gallon. Although my apartment isn't that large so space will be a consideration.
Looking forward to reading through the forums, posting and making some tropical fish loving friends!