Fish Fanatic
Good morning
My name is Ash and I currently reside in Doncaster UK
Many years ago I bought a 3ft long tank and decided to keep tropical fish, I was well into the hobby, buying smaller tanks and setting them up as breeders I managed to breed and raise corydora's, Bristlenose plecs, danio's, tetra's (yeah the easy ones I know but I felt like a god!!) Then after not so long (probably about a 18 months) I decided trops were not the way and sold everything and bought a Rio 180, skimmer, pumps etc and went the Marine route and I loved it. This tank I had for about a year or so then as everyone does went bigger!! Vision 450 woohoo it was massive, actually it was too big and being on a not so good wage I was struggling financially to fill it up.
Then 1 day I was looking outside at my £200 car then looking at my tank which stood me around 2K I thought "I got this the wrong way around" So I sold everything and bought a better car.
This was about 10 years ago but the strange thing is that ever since then I have wanted another fish tank, fish keeping for me is like a drug (Im sure it is the same for most people too) and even when you have nothing you always want something.
So I resisted the temptation until now.
My sister asked me if I wanted her shoebox tank (so called because its a 20L and really tiny) I agreed and then it started, within a day after setting it up I wanted/needed a larger tank, this was 3 weeks ago, Since then I have bought a 3ft'r off Ebay, I then discovered that one of the largest aquatic stores in the UK is literally 2 miles from my house! Omen or what???
After watching some vids on YouTube and googling some stuff I decided to have a planted Tropical aquarium (I bought plants years ago but they always died) I would like some real aquascaped themed goodness going on but you need experience and there's no point chucking hundreds of quids into a tank when you dont really know what your doing, so for now it is what it is and later when I finally convince my mrs to let me have my tank in the living room (instead of the garage) I may upgrade and have it how I imagined.
The pic below is of my old Rio but the Vision one I have is too large so Im unable to post that so heres a link to my photobucket where the image is should you wish to see it
Thanks for taking the time to read my introduction essay.
My name is Ash and I currently reside in Doncaster UK
Many years ago I bought a 3ft long tank and decided to keep tropical fish, I was well into the hobby, buying smaller tanks and setting them up as breeders I managed to breed and raise corydora's, Bristlenose plecs, danio's, tetra's (yeah the easy ones I know but I felt like a god!!) Then after not so long (probably about a 18 months) I decided trops were not the way and sold everything and bought a Rio 180, skimmer, pumps etc and went the Marine route and I loved it. This tank I had for about a year or so then as everyone does went bigger!! Vision 450 woohoo it was massive, actually it was too big and being on a not so good wage I was struggling financially to fill it up.
Then 1 day I was looking outside at my £200 car then looking at my tank which stood me around 2K I thought "I got this the wrong way around" So I sold everything and bought a better car.
This was about 10 years ago but the strange thing is that ever since then I have wanted another fish tank, fish keeping for me is like a drug (Im sure it is the same for most people too) and even when you have nothing you always want something.
So I resisted the temptation until now.
My sister asked me if I wanted her shoebox tank (so called because its a 20L and really tiny) I agreed and then it started, within a day after setting it up I wanted/needed a larger tank, this was 3 weeks ago, Since then I have bought a 3ft'r off Ebay, I then discovered that one of the largest aquatic stores in the UK is literally 2 miles from my house! Omen or what???
After watching some vids on YouTube and googling some stuff I decided to have a planted Tropical aquarium (I bought plants years ago but they always died) I would like some real aquascaped themed goodness going on but you need experience and there's no point chucking hundreds of quids into a tank when you dont really know what your doing, so for now it is what it is and later when I finally convince my mrs to let me have my tank in the living room (instead of the garage) I may upgrade and have it how I imagined.
The pic below is of my old Rio but the Vision one I have is too large so Im unable to post that so heres a link to my photobucket where the image is should you wish to see it
Thanks for taking the time to read my introduction essay.