Hi From Alabama

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Jan 9, 2014
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Hello everyone, joined here after reading a topic about freshwater sump. Hope to learn more and partipate soon.
Currently have a 55gal running. bought it with 1 Clown loach, 1 Eastern rainbow(i think thats what it is), oriental algae eater, 2 corydoris catfish.running a rena xp3
Also purchased a 38 gallon/stand and accessories shortly after buying  the 55 but have yet to do anything with it.
Hopefully new purchase this weekend is a 120-125 gallon for $150. Not the ideal tank but i want the stand it comes with. the tank has a sump area in it(I know absolutely nothing about running a sump) so i may run it without it.

Sorry no pictures, my 55 is bare minimum just running to keep the fish alive, will be doing something  nice with with the 125
Welcome! We are state neighbors! Mississippian here!!!
Welcome! Great to see someone from in state, where abouts are you in Alabama?
Hello and welcome to the Forum.

Sounds like you have a few projects on your hands.

If you get stuck or in need of advice, we are more than happy to help.

What are your planned stockings for both tanks out of interest? :)

Hope you enjoy the forum!
Welcome to the forum! :)
Any stocking plans?
no real plans yet. I plan on taking my time with the 125 and most likely getting rid of the others, my goal from the begining was just get a 72" length tank. I will still be doing something with the 38 to give to my cousin.
Sorry, gonna be a little negative about your fish stocking you currently have.
A single clown loach is not going be happy on its own, they are sociable fish and much happier being in groups of at least 6+, although IMO 8+ is better. 
And they grow pretty big, at around a foot, they need large tanks, i don't think even your 125 gal tank is big enough for a decent sized group of Clown Loaches.
Not sure what an Oriental Algae Eater is but am thinking may mean a Chinese Algae Eater, they grow to be big aggressive fish, and not unknown for them to suck slime coats of other fish in the same tank.
CAE will fit in your 125 gal tank but tank mates needs to be carefully chosen really.
As for eastern Rainbowfish, is this ythe same as your fish? 
If so, rainbow fish are shoaling fish and again these are best in groups of at least 6+.
Not sure what species of corydora catfish you have, but yup, groups of minimum 6+ is best for these guys as well.
Sorry if that all sounds negative for you, but just want to be sure you are fully aware of these stockings and best either bump the numbers you have already have and/or re-home them. 
Ch4rlie said:
Sorry, gonna be a little negative about your fish stocking you currently have.
A single clown loach is not going be happy on its own, they are sociable fish and much happier being in groups of at least 6+, although IMO 8+ is better. 
And they grow pretty big, at around a foot, they need large tanks, i don't think even your 125 gal tank is big enough for a decent sized group of Clown Loaches.
Not sure what an Oriental Algae Eater is but am thinking may mean a Chinese Algae Eater, they grow to be big aggressive fish, and not unknown for them to suck slime coats of other fish in the same tank.
CAE will fit in your 125 gal tank but tank mates needs to be carefully chosen really.
As for eastern Rainbowfish, is this ythe same as your fish? 
If so, rainbow fish are shoaling fish and again these are best in groups of at least 6+.
Not sure what species of corydora catfish you have, but yup, groups of minimum 6+ is best for these guys as well.
Sorry if that all sounds negative for you, but just want to be sure you are fully aware of these stockings and best either bump the numbers you have already have and/or re-home them. 
I dont take it negative at all. as far as the names, im going off what i was told and a little bit of research i have done. I'm aware the fish like to be in groups, i have been trying to find a suitable tank since i rescued them(they were in a very neglected tank). And i do want to mention i have only been into the hobby since October, i have been around tanks for years but never had my own until Oct 2013.

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