

New Member
Jun 10, 2012
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Warwick, QLD AUS.
Forum Name...AngryPuppy

Location...Warwick, Queensland, Australia

Number of Years in Hobby... I have been quite into the hobby of fishkeeping since I was 12 years old...so around about 5 years...

Fishkeeping Profile... I keep mostly Siamese betta Splendens, but I have recently set up a small three litre tank for dwarf malauian cichlids. RIght now I have a two inch Brichardi cichlid, two Ram Cichlids and a large, Koi Angelfish.

Favourite fish species... Beta Splendens. I will definately have to stick to this species. THey are absolutely beautiful.

Aquatic Likes...Large, clear, wonderfully set up tanks that I can sit and stare at for ages, always finding something new.

Aquatic Dislikes...Un-expeirenced fishkeepers buying fish and not caring for them properly. I once used to breed betta splendens, and I sold one of my offspring to a friend.
She wasn't experienced at fishkeeping in the slightest, so I explained to her what was to be done.
She forgot to put water ager into the tank, and killed him the day she got him.

Aquatic Achievements...A few years ago, I successfully bred my first pair of beta splendens. There were twenty-three fry all up. Only five ended up dying due to a break out of fights.
The others I sold, and kept two to myself...

Non-fish related fact...I'm 17 years of age. In my spare time, I breed indian ringneck parrots and budgeriguars. I am a senior high-school student, graduating at the end of the year.

Other Hobbies...I seem to be rather addicted to drawing. I draw quite often (haha) mostly pictures of my animals.
I also race proffessional BMX when I have the time. Sadly, I have never won anything, but I have come very close multiple times.
Generally, I'm working on my car, or spending time with my fish...

It's lovely to meet you all! :)

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