New Member
Forum Name...AngryPuppy
Location...Warwick, Queensland, Australia
Number of Years in Hobby... I have been quite into the hobby of fishkeeping since I was 12 years around about 5 years...
Fishkeeping Profile... I keep mostly Siamese betta Splendens, but I have recently set up a small three litre tank for dwarf malauian cichlids. RIght now I have a two inch Brichardi cichlid, two Ram Cichlids and a large, Koi Angelfish.
Favourite fish species... Beta Splendens. I will definately have to stick to this species. THey are absolutely beautiful.
Aquatic Likes...Large, clear, wonderfully set up tanks that I can sit and stare at for ages, always finding something new.
Aquatic Dislikes...Un-expeirenced fishkeepers buying fish and not caring for them properly. I once used to breed betta splendens, and I sold one of my offspring to a friend.
She wasn't experienced at fishkeeping in the slightest, so I explained to her what was to be done.
She forgot to put water ager into the tank, and killed him the day she got him.
Aquatic Achievements...A few years ago, I successfully bred my first pair of beta splendens. There were twenty-three fry all up. Only five ended up dying due to a break out of fights.
The others I sold, and kept two to myself...
Non-fish related fact...I'm 17 years of age. In my spare time, I breed indian ringneck parrots and budgeriguars. I am a senior high-school student, graduating at the end of the year.
Other Hobbies...I seem to be rather addicted to drawing. I draw quite often (haha) mostly pictures of my animals.
I also race proffessional BMX when I have the time. Sadly, I have never won anything, but I have come very close multiple times.
Generally, I'm working on my car, or spending time with my fish...
It's lovely to meet you all!
Location...Warwick, Queensland, Australia
Number of Years in Hobby... I have been quite into the hobby of fishkeeping since I was 12 years around about 5 years...
Fishkeeping Profile... I keep mostly Siamese betta Splendens, but I have recently set up a small three litre tank for dwarf malauian cichlids. RIght now I have a two inch Brichardi cichlid, two Ram Cichlids and a large, Koi Angelfish.
Favourite fish species... Beta Splendens. I will definately have to stick to this species. THey are absolutely beautiful.
Aquatic Likes...Large, clear, wonderfully set up tanks that I can sit and stare at for ages, always finding something new.
Aquatic Dislikes...Un-expeirenced fishkeepers buying fish and not caring for them properly. I once used to breed betta splendens, and I sold one of my offspring to a friend.
She wasn't experienced at fishkeeping in the slightest, so I explained to her what was to be done.
She forgot to put water ager into the tank, and killed him the day she got him.
Aquatic Achievements...A few years ago, I successfully bred my first pair of beta splendens. There were twenty-three fry all up. Only five ended up dying due to a break out of fights.
The others I sold, and kept two to myself...
Non-fish related fact...I'm 17 years of age. In my spare time, I breed indian ringneck parrots and budgeriguars. I am a senior high-school student, graduating at the end of the year.
Other Hobbies...I seem to be rather addicted to drawing. I draw quite often (haha) mostly pictures of my animals.
I also race proffessional BMX when I have the time. Sadly, I have never won anything, but I have come very close multiple times.
Generally, I'm working on my car, or spending time with my fish...
It's lovely to meet you all!