hi, just wanted to say hi to everyone im new to this fish keeping lark really, although i have studied hard and learnt alot (through mistakes!! )in the last month or hubby started a tank up, its a 75(ish)ltr tropical tank, he had it runnig about a week, chucked in some white ball things,the man in the shop said it was to start the bacteria in the tank and that he could add fish as soon as he hubby adds 3 danio, 2 whitecloud minnows...leaves it a week adds 2 guppy and a gourami, then the next week adds a cory catfish and a sucker fish and then finally 3 serpe tetra.....all seems well....THEN BAM the water goes start dying left right and centre ...hubby has a hissy fit :stupid: and wants to rehome the fish and put the tank on ebay....i was gutted so i decided i would take over the tank and fix this major problem...after trolling the web and visitig a more reputable fish shop...i descovered the fish had ich due to crappy water conditions, so i treat them with waterlife protozin for the whole 6 day course, then wacked the temp of the tank up a degree an hour until it was/is at 30-31 degrees, id read that ich will stop reproducing at that temp, its been at that temp for 8 days now, i read that it should be at that for 10 days just to ensure the ich had gone...after the treatment i put the carbon back in the filter and within a day or so the water went VERY cloudy, almost like milk, so off to google i went again...a bacterial bloom, not a bad thing i discovered so every day for the last few days ive done 15-20% water changes and i added a stocking of gravel from my cold water tank...seems it cleared over night after the gravel was added, its almost clear today and my nitrite levels are pretty much AOK!! after all that today i am left with an almost clear tank with 2 occupants the cory cat fish and the sucker fish(not sure of what his real name is im sure my tank is fully recovered and cycled i just want the water crystal clear before i add another inmate, sorry if i bored you...but if i ever have probs with water etc i can always refer to this look forward to advice and friendship, MrsM x