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The December FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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New Member
Oct 3, 2012
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Hey guys I'm new to these forums.
Obviously my name is Noah. A little about my fish keeping experience. When I was 10 years old I got a 10 gallon fish tank for my birthday which was exactly what I wanted. It was pretty cool. I had like 4 mollies and I think it was a really good starting tank. Since then I have moved across the country and when I moved I got a 29 gallon tank. Now the 29g has been set up for like 2 years now. I have a 55 gallon tank that I plan on upgrading to in the future.( BTW: just the tank I still need the stand and other parts).But I'll get that set up before to much longer. I am considering a lot of different options with the 55g. I go back and forth with thoughts. Today I was thinking Discus but nothings set in stone. I have breed mollies before (I know they are easy because they are livebearers but still it kind-of counts lol). So yeah that's most of what I can think of.
Hi Noah, welcome! I have to say, you can't fit many discuses in a 55. I recomment a 100 or larger. Two discuses the most in a 55 (I wouldn't do discuses, honestly). Whatever you do, just don't overstock your tanks. :) If you want some cichilids, what about 3 angelfish? I say no oscars. What about 2-3 New World/Old world (?! I'm confused on my cichlids) cichlids? If you want more info on cichlids, visit the cichlid forum! :) You can keep about 3-4 convict cichlids in a 55. They breed quite easily, if you do get them, be sure to get same genders (I think females?). You can do other tropical fish. Get a big school of some fish and some bottom dwellers and maybe one centerpiece fish!! :)

~Just some ideas. Too late at night.. my brain is fried.
Welcome to the forum!

Two Discus in a fifty five i wrong. As adults, discus need at least 10 gallons per fish. You could have 5-6 discus in there.

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