Hey All!


New Member
Mar 31, 2013
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Hi all!
Introducing myself because i know i'll be needing help from time to time. 
i recently got a 2ft tropical tank, so far only 5 guppies in it to get it going and today will be going fish shop to get some tetra's.
Other than that my i love football (chelsea) and repair consoles :) 
Be seeing you lot around here.
Welcome to the forum, Kam (if you don't mind that :p)
A good win for you yesterday then?
By the way, did you read up on and go through the cycling process before adding your 5 guppies?
Hey nice to meet you! :)
I made the mistake of getting guppys when not knowing about cycling and sadly they all passed away :( I hope your tank is cycled?

Oh sorry didn't wanna ask again about the cycling :p lol
Yeh call me Kam as everyone else does :)
and made the mistake of not cycling properly before adding them. Still alive its been over a week now. hope they stay alive 
Okay, what you need to do is large, regular water changes to keep the ammonia levels under control - otherwise they're going to end up really high and high levels of ammonia will kill your fish, potentially in a couple of hours.
You should try and re-home the fish to an established tank however if that's not possible then you're going to have to do a fish-in cycle. This thread and the Beginners Resource Centre will be really useful for you to read.
Good luck!
I would recommend regularly doing very large water changes in order to keep the levels of harmful ammonia and nitrites down. Do you have a liquid test kit? If you do have a liquid test kit, then make sure to test the levels as often as possible, and every time you see any ammonia of nitrite, then do a water change. Best of luck!
haha ye if you have a test kit will be easier :) welcome to the forum but i haft to say chelsea :O please no :( 
Very much appreciate the advise. ordered a test kit off ebay. with it being a bank holiday weekend the kit should come tomorrow. And thanks for the links. going to have a read through them now.
and yeh CFC lol 
lol your welcome if you ordered API make sure you shake the living hell out of the bottles before you use them every time they can be temperamental if you don't shake erm well
Great move buying the test kit!
I hope you've done a fairly large water change by now?
Please let us know what your water stats are once you've had a chance to test them. And ... don't buy the tetras until you test! Don't want to put them in harm's way.
jancarius said:
yup been doing water changes
Great job. If you ever encounter a problem, water changes are one of the best ways to solve your problem. Best of luck with your aquarium!

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