Heres My Soking List. All Seemshappy


Fish Fanatic
Feb 2, 2012
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Ok I have a 55 gallon.. I think my stocking list is ok.Just running it by al you pros,

I have 4 mollys

3 platys

4 hi fin tetras

6 small Zebra Danios

I would love to add some collor with a small school neones . But not sure if that still works with how many I have

I have one fish that did not ake it when I bought a batch. So I have to return . I would like to replace that with say soemthing that lives on bottem . I have gravel knda more like pebbles. any thing stand out . can ghost shrip survive with all the fish I already have.

ps they all seem happy and leaving each other alone. ;)
you've still got plenty of room for more fish and ghost shrimp would have no concerns with the current stock.
Tetras should be kept in groups of no less than 6. Also with the live bearers (mollys and platys) if you have male and female they will soon be producing like mad!

Neons should not be added to a tank less than 6 months mature as they are very sensitive and need good water quality. they should also be kept in groups of no less than 6.

Shrimps are fine but make sure that your water quality is spot on and that you never use meds with copper in them or it will kill them.

For fish for the bottom you cant beat corys which come in many different varieties - and should also be kept in groups of no less than 6.
Tetras should be kept in groups of no less than 6. Also with the live bearers (mollys and platys) if you have male and female they will soon be producing like mad!

Neons should not be added to a tank less than 6 months mature as they are very sensitive and need good water quality. they should also be kept in groups of no less than 6.

Shrimps are fine but make sure that your water quality is spot on and that you never use meds with copper in them or it will kill them.

For fish for the bottom you cant beat corys which come in many different varieties - and should also be kept in groups of no less than 6.

the hi fin say 5 for min of a group I do planon adding at least one more.

My mollys are all female

My water is very healthy. I had added the neons to my 5 gallon right off I guess with no problems. But its a good thing to keep in mind thank you. My tank has been set up for about almost 4 months.

I will look into the corys :) I am not set on shrip I just want a different things to look at and not all the smae.

Thank yu very much for your advice it helps alot.

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