I had some small leaved red Ludwigia in my tank, planted in a substrate with three layers - normal rounded gravel in a thin surface layer, below that a lighter gravel which was recommended as good for plants to push roots through, and below that a compost layer to proved some nutrition for the roots.
Within a couple of days the Ludwigia had started to drop a lot of leaves (this seems to be common from what I've read) but then many of the leaves still on the plant started to turn sickly army green colour, continued to drop off, some of the stems seemed to rot a couple of inches up above the gravel line... I ended up taking the whole lot out before I ended up with decaying plant matter polluting the tank. Meanwhile, all my other plants continue to thrive (with the exception of something that looks just like bunches of grass, which develops the odd yellow leaf). I have added a small amount of fertiliser to the tank water.
I'd really like to put some more Ludwigia in the tank as it's an attractive plant and contrasts with all the others which are green. But I don't want the same thing to happen again - so any tips on how I might prevent this again?
Within a couple of days the Ludwigia had started to drop a lot of leaves (this seems to be common from what I've read) but then many of the leaves still on the plant started to turn sickly army green colour, continued to drop off, some of the stems seemed to rot a couple of inches up above the gravel line... I ended up taking the whole lot out before I ended up with decaying plant matter polluting the tank. Meanwhile, all my other plants continue to thrive (with the exception of something that looks just like bunches of grass, which develops the odd yellow leaf). I have added a small amount of fertiliser to the tank water.
I'd really like to put some more Ludwigia in the tank as it's an attractive plant and contrasts with all the others which are green. But I don't want the same thing to happen again - so any tips on how I might prevent this again?