

Mostly New Member
Jul 27, 2013
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Hi everyone. Well i am totally new to fish keeping and totally new to this site joined yesterday, but do have a dilemma, my partner joined a few weeks back and said how good the site was including the chatroom he goes in for advice and help.
So like i said im a total newbie amd dont know much on any aspect of fish keeping so how do i achieve this new rule of 60 useful posts to be able to be part of the forum properly, does that mean i have to post 60 times and hope that someone finds what i say useful, because i have no knowledge currently of fishkeeping that would be useful to anyone and need some serious help to develop and reading is sometimes just confusing.
I would love to be able to join in the chat place as i am told it is a great room, can anyone help me to find out how i get 60 useful posts please???
I know it is to stop trolls but i am not one and as a newbie my posts wont really be useful as i need advice myself and cannot yet give any out lol.
I personally think this rule should be altered because for a complete beginner it is now impossible unless you read here to get any proper advice. I dont even know yet how to actaully even say a post was useful lol maybe i should find somewhere else to chat with less difficult rules
As you'll know then, That in the rules it states that :
Note to New Members
Until you have reached 60 useful posts on the site you will be restricted from the following activities:
  • The chat room
  • Starting threads in the classified section though you may reply to existing threads.
  • Creating a signature
  • Write a review
If you pick a username that is not appropriate the moderation team will require you change it.
These rules are quite new to this forum and were placed due to the sudden boom of activity of members in the last few months. We have had problems with people in the past abusing chat, Swearing and doing things out of bonds of the TFF rules.
Please note though, That the chat should not be used to seek help and information, The forums are used for this purpose alone and it does it well! Once you start becoming active, Asking questions and having your thoughts and inputs in other threads, It will only take a week if not less to make up those 60 posts.
So, With that being said. What is the problem you have? 
Well i have done the water change now as advised and noticed that one molly has a fin injury i think these females were fighting last night and no clue why they would be. Shame really can i do anything to heal its tail i noticed last night one was constantly harrassing the other will i be able to buy something to help this tail recover please
Wrong thread silly bean but that's alright, may want to post that again in the other one though to see if you get more responses.
I don't know anything about mollies so no idea if they've been fighting or what.
Time and warm, clean, dechlorinated water should help, but keep an eye out for fin rot.
Thankyou lol i know i cant keep up here, no idea what fin rot looks like so i will google and see but i think the other ones prob nipped it as wont leave this one alone poor thing Thanks for your help it has helped :)

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