

New Member
Jun 27, 2013
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My fish are all dying!!! The water levels are all fine... I'm a newbie. I bought a 55 Fallon tank... I ran out and bought a bunch of fish... I now know that was not the right thing to do... However they keep dying off. One or two every day. I've taken water sample in. I've teste the water... I done partial water changes... I don't k own what else to do and my daughter is heartbroken.
I think the only thing you can do is 50-75% water changes twice a day with dechlorinated water and hope for the best.
Make sure your pH is right for all your fish, temp is right for all of them, and just keep doing water changes. Go to find your fish on there, it will tell you what your water requirements are for them.
List your pH, temp of the water and what kind of fish you have please and others will be able to help you further.
I have an albino pleco, five glow fish one Molly one guppy two snails and two frogs left.
Well we kept taking them back to the store nd getting new ones... Which I now know is also not the right thing to do... But in the last week we've lost two catfish three guppies three Molly's and a blue garami... The white Molly that died tonight I had take. To the pet store two days ago with a water sample and they told me that they were both fine.
Oh and I lost one glow fish
Did you check your water chemistry, and then could it just be your fish store? Also are you giving the fish enough time to get comfortable with your water temperature and chemistry, before placing them in your tank? Where do you get your fish?
I took a water sample to my LFS once (and its a specialty shop) and they just did a strip test which I have discovered aren't really worth that much. Your tank wasn't cycled so what you are dealing with is high ammonia levels. Fish can't breath in those conditions. Have a look here Its a great resource and explains the nitrogen cycle in detail.
I suggest getting a liquid test kit. API is not as expensive as the other brands but will definitely work.
Do you happen to know anyone with an established tank? If you do, you could take some of the filter media out of that and put it in the new one. Or get some from the LFS.
If possible, get your LFS to test the water again, this time, ask for the exact results. If you see any ammonia or nitrite then as soon as you get home, do a large waterchange.
The best way would really be to get yourself your own testing kit that tests ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH. The API master test kit is a great kit to use.
Definitely check out the Beginner Resource Centre that's linked in my sig and that Stanleo also linked you to.
I have moved this topic to the Emergencies section, which is more appopriate.
I can't really add anything to the advice you've been getting here, because everyone has covered everything I would have said anyway.
Just one thing, though, you said you had "Glowfish". There are a few possibilities as to what you mean by this. The most common I see around is the Glofish(R) like on here, the genetically modified fish. If that's the case, these fish are illegal in the UK - but you have yourself listed as being based in the UK. The reason I bring this up is that most people "adjust" their advice based upon the locality of the person involved, to allow for different products and shops availalbe in each country. If you aren't in the UK, could you please modify your profile so that we know where you do live.
Of course, you could have glowlight danios or glowligh tetras, which are perfectly legal in the UK.

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