

New Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Hi all, total newbie ere n need sum help......
I have had my tank for 3 wks now, 2wk ago i added 6 x zebra tetra, they seemed fine, then added 3 x dalmation mollies and a female fighting fish, they all get on great and all seems happy. Last night i noticed one of the mollies as a yellowish patch on its tummy (never noticed this when i got it) also as become very fat! any advise plz
Initial assumption is that the fat molly is a female that is pregnant - these are livebearers, not egglayers, the eggs hatch whilst still in the female.
More of a worry is a 3 week old tank with that many fish in it - how big is the tank, and how regularly do you test and change the water?
My tank is 50l there is plenty of room and they all seem happy and settled. The shop i purchase my fish from have done several water sample tests and my water is fine. I have been doing weekly 25% water changes whilst adding 10ml of Micro-lift special blend until 4 wks when i add 5ml fortnightly. Would the yellow patch on her tummy be conected to possibly being pregnant?

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