

New Member
Apr 14, 2013
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My sister has a 60ltr aquarium with 2 Bala sharks, 4 platys, 5 neon tetras, 8 mollies and 1 pleck.
Recently both sharks have gotten cloudy eyes, which have now become bright red.
One of them also has some filmy reddish markings on its scales.

Please help!
What are the water stats and regime? The Bala sharks could be stressed as they're too big for that small a tank.
They're likely stressed because they don't have enough space.  Also, is that tank cycled?  Do you know the water stats? (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph)
However, if you have the chance to take them back to where you bought them from, I would do so.  t's generally recommended you only keep them in 125gallon+ aquariums (they get pretty large) and even then it's still a bit cramped because you have to keep them in a school of preferably 6 or more individuals.
I don't blame you.  It's the fish shops fault, who do anything to make a sale

Would you want two of these in your tank?

Btw, any idea on what species that pleco is?  Depending on the species that could turn into a 2 foot monster also.
I'm not sure what the water stats are.
They have a 30% water change every 2-3 weeks.
The place where my sister bought them has since closed down, so she is thinking of up-grading to a bigger tank,
What size tank would be best for this?

You really need to get yourself a liquid test kit such as API, Salifert or Nutrafin to determine where your water stats are.
And you should be doing that size water change at least once a week.
Minimum tank size for an adult is 472 liters. Even for immature sharks a 189 liter tank is minimum. So unless you're willing to go that big it would be best to rehome them.
I think a large water change today would help, at least 50-60%.
Yes that's probably too big, where would be the best place to get rid of them?
the water change I'll definitely do today.
There's a classified section here where you could post them. Where are you located?
Then go HERE to the classified section. I'm sure you'll be able to find a new home for them.

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