
The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Jul 14, 2011
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I just noticed my female killifish was not using her fin
i checked it out and the gill is red

i moved her to a breeding trap, and then blood just poured out of the gill.
It stopped but it came down in rivulets

what can i do..?

I have a felling its from the male
he seems to have gotten aggressive

I fed her yesturday and she was fine
today she wont eat and i can see shes pretty badly hurt
she swims, but she wont use one of her fins

Today is my water changing day, shall i still change the water or not bother as it might cause her more stress.
Shes not bleeding anymore, but it looks like she has a blood blister behind her fin
Poor thing.
Can you isolate her to a hospital tank.

How many gallons is the tank?
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Is only one gill affected.
Is there any excess mucas on the gill.
Does she rub her gills on ornaments, plants in the tank.
I can isolate her yes.

i believe its 5gallons
3 aphyposimion australe
PH : 7.6
Amonia: 0
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 10 ppm

Yes only one gill is affected
no it seems very normal, just thers a red patch behind her fin and the fin sticks out at on odd angle as if shes resting.
she seems fine, shes acting normal but hasn't accepted food, i fed them BBs yesturday
I think I would use a bacerial med in isolation. Her gill, and fin sound sore.
Just keep a look out for blood red patches, bleeding beneath the skin, red streaking. (Septicemia)
and will do
she seems okay at the moment
she does have a slight blood red patch, but its not too bad, its faded since i;ve come home and its hard to tell since she has red patches by her gills anyways
Keep an eye on the gill for signs of rubbing., fungus, etc.
It could be an injury due to the aggressive fish. But red bleeding gill can also indicate other problems, bacterial, parasites.

Keep doing daily water changes.
If in isolation add some melafix at half dose. As not all fish tolerate melafix at full strength.
Yeah thats what im worried about :/
will she be alright overight as i cant really do much now

I'll change the water in the morning, hopeing she survives the night
and im not sure what melafix is, we have different names in this country o_O
Well i did the water change, isolated her and treated her water with a bacteria solution untill i can get melafix.
atleast it will keep the bacteria away, its internal and external
its called baktopur direct
Good Luck.
Let us all know how the fish gets on. That's if you don't mind.
Oh course i dont

And its not looking good
shes alive
and well she cant keep upright!
she keeps just spinning over on her back if she stops swimming
what can i do to help her now..?

i would post pictures but the camera on my phone just wont work :/
and my digital one is also broken :/
Well she sadly passed away last night

And i checked her up close as i disposed of her.
RIgt behind her fin was a huge chunk missing, i guess the male was just too aggressive to her :/
which is strange as when i introduced them he tried to mate with her, then not long ago he got very aggressive with the females.
he was guard the coconut, but there was no eggs or anything.
Spinning can be a sign there passing away.

Poor thing.
Sorry for your loss.

She would just stay upside down untill she swam.
But when i got home from work i saw her actually spinning round and round, and at that point i though she was doing like a death roll, and she was just spasming, as she stopped i though dang shes dead now
when i went to take her out that night she moved and was still alive
the next morning she was on the bottom dead.

Its a shame :/
I know how you feel. I Had the same thing happen when I kept fish.
I had to put some out of there misery due to it.

How are the other fish doing?
yes i had to put my betta out of misery
he was so ill bless him

i was going to do it with her, but she did it herself
im surprised she live 2 days with a wound so big

All my other fish are fine thanks
i found a guppie with a small growth like thing, but thats now gone after treating her
and other than that all fish are happy

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