

New Member
Dec 12, 2010
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I have two female fighters, a guppy, a molly, an angel and a Corydora and a loach (Before you say it no problems with any of them).I bought the bronze Corydora two weeks ago to keep the rest of the tank clean with the loach. My molly gained three cloud like fungus growths about a week ago, I've been treating with anti fungus and fin rot, since then the growths almost all disappeared however since returning home after my parents caring for them after 5 days I've discovered that my angel is lying on it's side on the bottom of the tank, still breathing but having trouble. The molly has lost the fungus but has raised scales and looks like it has a few bubbles along it's side but not it's fins. I've replaced about 40% of the water and placed more anti-fungus in. I will be visiting the local aquarium tomorrow. Is there anything I can do before that?
Are these bubbles moving around on the fish?
Before the fish get fungus they more than likely had bacteria infection and probably parasites.
Bubbles seem to have gone. Taken it to be dropsy. Trying epsom salts for four hours in quarantine.
If the bubbles are moving then it is a type of parasite but I can't think from the top of my head what it was.
Dropsy is a secondary symptom of an infection whether it is parasitic or bacterial you have to find out.
Epsom salts is good additionally but you may need proper medication to kill the initial cause.
Can't get meds till tomorrow. How am i supposed to get the aquarium to diagnose it without having the fish with me? Take water with me?
Can't get meds till tomorrow. How am i supposed to get the aquarium to diagnose it without having the fish with me? Take water with me?

I don't think anyone would diagnose your fish just by water. It's a good idea to take a water sample anyway for the shop to test to make sure you don't have any ammonia/nitrites issies if you currently don't have tests at home to do that yourself.

Maybe post a picture here on this forum or even bring a picture of the affected fish to the shop if you think they are knowledgeable enough to give you the right meds.

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