Help With Temple Plants


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2016
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I recently got some really nice Temple plants from my LFS. They looked super healthy, nice and green. I asked about ferts and CO2, which she said liquid ferts are what they use and these plants don't need CO2. I also bought Water Wisteria and Red Lugwidia. I put the plants in my 10g and just let them float until I was ready to divide them up between my tanks. A day after I let them float most of leaves from the Temple have turned yellow/brown and have fallen off. It looks very sickly. The other two plants that are mentioned were not effected and still look nice and healthy. I'm just wondering why this happened? I do use a liquid fertilizer and no CO2. Do I need CO2?
Thanks so much!
I have temple plants and they thrive without Co2, and without ferts! (although im going to use some in the future, its a small tank sos) I think it may have been the fact that you left them floating for a day, and if you had the light on while they were floating that prob didn't help either :eek:
BettaBettas said:
I have temple plants and they thrive without Co2, and without ferts! (although im going to use some in the future, its a small tank sos) I think it may have been the fact that you left them floating for a day, and if you had the light on while they were floating that prob didn't help either
Really? Mine are just sticks now with a few leaves on the top. Do they not prefer light? 
I'm not experienced with plants or planted tanks, but my temple plants melted at first when I put them in the tank. Perhaps they'll bounce back like mine did?
they do like light of course, I would do some research though. in my tank I have HIGH lighting and they do gr8
LyraGuppi said:
I'm not experienced with plants or planted tanks, but my temple plants melted at first when I put them in the tank. Perhaps they'll bounce back like mine did?
That's strange. New leaves are coming from the tops though. :)
BettaBettas said:
they do like light of course, I would do some research though. in my tank I have HIGH lighting and they do gr8
I'm hoping they bounce back. Just gave them some ferts.
can u show me a picture of them? (updated) because I may have another suggestion, and did you get these at like Petco or something?
I actually got them at a local fish store I just discovered. All their plants were beautiful. 


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