Help With Rescaping Our 230 Gal


Mostly New Member
Oct 21, 2013
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We already have hard water but need to keep a soft tank for our fish. We currently have about 100lbs of rock that our fish love. Of course it's limestone which makes the hard water even worse. We don't want to give up our fish but don't know what we can do to keep our rocks. We do have a planted rank and sand as the substrate. and we're working on some planted wood.
You most likely will have to get rid of the rocks, unless there is some sort of clear coat you could cover them in.
we were thinking about clear coat since most of our fish love to hide in the holes. but don't know how that will work
Can we swap? I'm always thinking of ways to raise water hardness for my cichlids lol
lol we have always had Cichlids and they love the natural limestone we have in our yard.  But when Sam our last Cichlid died we decided to get something different.  Now we have a beautiful tank and beautiful fish but they don't go together.  Im thinking a clear resin or something might work but I don't know how it will work in the water over time.
Probably flake off over time, that's if you can find an aquarium safe clear coat.

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