Help with Melafix


New Member
Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
New York
I just bought a liquid medication called " melafix "
the instruction indicates that: 1 teaspoon for every 10 gallon of tank
and repeat dose daily for 7 days. ( and i have 55 gallon tank )
so i dropped 6 teaspoon full into the tank.
my question is that does " repeat dose daily for 7 days " means
that i have to drop 6 teaspoon full everyday for 7days ? or.. :X
unfortunatly i beleive so,
what i would like to know is what you are using it for and how bad are your fish?
sometimes i can do the dosage for 3-4 days and my fish are healed!
other times i go through half a bottle! :grr:
Yes you must add 6 spoons full for a full per instructions
my pacu has these white milky stuff on their tails & fins
and it was rotting the fins away little by little.
so at first i used aquarium salt & raised my temperature to 80 degrees
and no sign of luck. so i went to lfs and bought melafix cause what i read online about this medication seems fairly well so i bought it.

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