Help With Jbl Permanent Co2 Test Kit

OK, 24 hours on and its still blue. This is odd. I know the hagen system is not strong enough for the tank but this morning I also added some liquid easy carbo as well so the CO2 should at least change the colour a bit.

Could I be doing something wrong (it's not unheard of).
Liquid carbon won't change CO2 levels. :good:
as above, and if its still blue assuming you have 4dkh/bromo blue then you need to up the gas.
OK, 24 hours on and its still blue. This is odd. I know the hagen system is not strong enough for the tank but this morning I also added some liquid easy carbo as well so the CO2 should at least change the colour a bit.

Could I be doing something wrong (it's not unheard of).

Well they say you learn something everyday - that's today sorted :)

as above, and if its still blue assuming you have 4dkh/bromo blue then you need to up the gas.

I've managed to get a cheap second Nutrafin canister so will add that in tomorrow and see if that makes an improvement. If not - its time to save the pennies.

Thanks for your help guys
If not - its time to save the pennies.

Do that anyway :good:
You're obviously into you co2 and messing with DIY and these cannister jobs is asking for CO2 as a result of fluctuating levels IMO.
That's not to say don't do it - Just be aware and start saving anyway :D

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