Help With Ill Fish!


New Member
Jun 21, 2010
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I have a tank with the following in:
2 dwarf gourami (female)
1 dwarf gourami (male)
3 neon tetra
5 harlequin rasbora
Since yesterday one of the harlequins is swimming upside down and struggling to right himself. Can anyone suggest any help on what I can do to help him, or what the problem may be? Sometimes he manages to right himself for a bit but not for long then he's swimming upside down again.
You might want to list the following:
Tank volume
Tank temp
Plants/ driftwood etc.

It makes it a lot easier for someone to make an online diagnosis.
64 litres, 25 degrees, not sure on the tank stats as i don't have a testing kit, I did initially when I set the tank up 3 years ago but it's been well established for a long while now...I know i should probably be testing it still I guess. Lights built into tank which normally go on in the evenings, gravel substrate, no real plants.
Ideally you could do with a test kit so we can rule out water issues. You might find it difficult to get much help without one. There are many experienced fish enthusiasts on here so I'm sure you will get some help soon.
Whenever you see a fish that looks as if it's struggling or behaving strangely, you want to be doing a 50% or more water change.
You should do exactly that and get your hands on a test kit to see what you ammonia and nitrite levels are as they are the most likely causes of your fish's distress.
The API Master Test Kit would be a great purchase and you can get it for around £20 :)
Agree with Josh. First thing is to do a huge water change, even up to 90% so the fish can just swim upright. Then refill with temperature matched dechlorinated water. Then get yourself a test kit ASAP.

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