Help With Coryandas

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Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2013
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Hi all i keep 
2 bronze corys 
2 lepods 
2 peperd
2 albino 
now i have had 3 mystery deaths in my tank 
1 albino 
1 peperd
and now one lepod 
Whats going on is this a sickness or?????????
Sorry on my spelling 
Did they show any symptoms before they died? Anything odd about their bodies? What are your water parameters? Other tank mates? When did you get them? Did you cycle the tank?
Yhere just with normal tank mates pelaco neons and harlequins no un normal signs on the body tank is water changed 2 twice a week doing 5% a time and the water is ok when i test it
Really need help on this there my best fish and i really dont want to let them go  
You should be doing a minimum of 25% weekly.
What do you mean by okay? Are you using liquid tests or strips? What are the exact readings? Did you cycle the tank, if so, how? How many of the other fish are there?
Sorry for all the questions but they do help. I may not be able to figure out what's wrong but I'm sure someone with more knowledge will come around soon. Sorry for your losses by the way!

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