Fish Fanatic
Hi all i noticed that one of my bronze catfish has a fungal infection (its a huge white spot on his head with a fluff like substance growing out of it) it has grown on him very fast i bought some NT labs anti white spot and fungus it seemed to work but then my neon's started attacking the bronze i have put him in a separate tank upstairs along with my other 2 corys he seems ok now the fungus seems to be resistant to the treatment any help please i need this as fast as you can
by the way i do a 10% water change every Sunday
the bug tank down stairs is a juwel rio 125
and the tank i have him in now is a fluval edge 23L
Thanks Matthew
by the way i do a 10% water change every Sunday
the bug tank down stairs is a juwel rio 125
and the tank i have him in now is a fluval edge 23L
Thanks Matthew