Help With A Peleco


Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2013
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My sailfin peleco is starting to fight with my corys over food he has already killed 2 what do i do 
Are you sure it is the plec; have you actually seen it happen?
It would be very unusual for a plec to kill other fish :/
As Ch4rlie says, tank details (size, water parameters, complete stocking) would help us rule out any other issues that might be going on
What cories do you have?
Do you feed your plec? This is an important question
What sized tank are they in?
never heard of a pleco doing that.. you sure its not some kind of shark etc etc?
No guys it is a plec its in a 125l tank both Corus and plec get fed he only fights with them at meek tines :[
Sailfin Plec does  not belong in a 125l tank at all.
They grow to 40 to 50cm long.
Your tank is probably about 80cm long and maybe 40cm wide....soon he won't even have room to turn around in.....
Not too sure what you mean by 'meek times'?
Here is some information on Sailfin Pleco -
Ch4rlie said:
Sailfin Plec does  not belong in a 125l tank at all.
They grow to 40 to 50cm long.
Your tank is probably about 80cm long and maybe 40cm wide....soon he won't even have room to turn around in.....
Not too sure what you mean by 'meek times'?
Here is some information on Sailfin Pleco -
Probably "meal times"
Matthew, can you post up a photo of your plec, just so we can be 100% certain that it is a sailfin. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen mislabelled plecs (and other fish) in LFSs.
If it is a Sailfin, Ch4rlie is right, it is too big for a 125l tank.
Ok i will do asap i know hes to big but at the time of buying i had no idea how big he was going to get due to being new to the hobby otonow hes like one of the family hes so hard to give away thow if i trade him in at my local store he will just die they dont treat the fish right eg they leave male bettas in the bags they are brought in from the wholesaler they dont even put them in tanks so they dont treat fish well is there any one of here that could home a sail fin and give him a good life (this fish means a lot me)
i will get the photo up asap  
A pretty blurred image but IMO reckon that IS a Sailfin Pleco.
Am sorry to say, Sailfins will definitely outgrow your 125l tank.
Its a shame LFS will gladly sell any pleco to anyone without bothering to ask what size of tank and a few basic advice or questions before you buy them. That would stop a lot of trouble for newcomers to the hobby.
BUT I am certainly no expert on these plecos or BN species, I'd wait and see from someone a bit more knowledgeable about theses species before going any further. That is just my opinion. 
I'd wait until someone who is more knowledgeable than I about these species before you start asking about rehoming.
I'm 99.9% sure that's a gibbi.

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