Help With 50G Stocking


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Hi, I was just after some ideas of what sort of stocking to go for, I am looking for mbuna cichlids and the tank is 50G. It has been cycled but it seems like picking the fish is the hardest part of it all. I am certainly going to have a few yellow labs and red zebras but I have no idea which other fish to choose as well as how many in total. I have looked through some similar threads but still unsure because most of the fish specified can grow to a maximum of 6inch which I think is too big for the tank size.
Any help would really be appreciated,
mbunas right. zebras are definitely the way to go, albino ice blue zebras are a start so are your labs and red zebras. be sure to overstock to prevent aggression but have a decent filter to clean out the wastes they produce. pseudotropheus elongates is a good choice.
Pretty much anything in the pseudotropheus and Labidochromis complex are good. You could also add butterfly cichlids to make the tank flare even more like the blue ahli and golden peacocks
50G is pretty (too) small for a mbuna tank. I would advice against it. Furthermore go to some specialised Malawi page, there is tones of good information out there.
Thanks for the suggestions DerpPH. Googling them now lol
Do you guys think its too small? its about 220 litres, so 48.3 UK Gallons and 58.1 US Gallons. Its 4ft long.
50 gals is a bare minimum for an mbuna community, as in cichlid forums yellow labs are recommended for 20 gals and so are zebras
storm45 said:
Thanks for the suggestions DerpPH. Googling them now lol
Do you guys think its too small? its about 220 litres, so 48.3 UK Gallons and 58.1 US Gallons. Its 4ft long.
thanks for the help, I am going to sell the 4ft tank and then get a larger 5 or 6ft as I want at least 15-20 fish in there
storm45 said:
thanks for the help, I am going to sell the 4ft tank and then get a larger 5 or 6ft as I want at least 15-20 fish in there
Good to hear that from you storm. good luck on cichlid keeping as it is a bit challenging
hey guys, I was just wondering. Can i not copy the stocking in this thread as this member has a smaller tank than mine? LINK
my tank is 1ft longer and its 240 litres
storm45 said:
hey guys, I was just wondering. Can i not copy the stocking in this thread as this member has a smaller tank than mine? LINK
my tank is 1ft longer and its 240 litres
You always can, but you can add a twist to it

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